Friday, May 11, 2012



Too many times I’ve stumbled. Too many times I’ve fell.
I wish it all didn’t happen. I wished all was well.

My struggle for continuous mastery of self
The war for me when I put God on the shelf

Sometimes I wish he didn’t exist and didn’t care for me
That he’d just leave me alone and let me be

All the time doing all that I ever wanted
No feelings of the constant guilt of the God who’s undaunted

It’s the God who has a plan for me, for you
It’s perfect. Don’t worry about it, it’s true

God’s plan is within your grasp
It will be revealed if you just ask

If I just humble myself and sit down to pray
All that asks of me is to follow God, and he’ll stay

Close beside me to drive away my sadness
To protect me from the world’s madness

Drive me away from the demon of doubts
Keep away from spiritual droughts

The everlasting God; he cares for me.
All I say, Lord, is I follow thee

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