Friday, March 16, 2012

Another Poem

A prodigal wayward child am I
I live a life that makes me cry.
Full of expectations and rules I can’t stand.
I want to leave home, here on my land.

My inheritance my father just gave to me
I wanted it so bad just to be free.
I leave the country in a hurry.
I have no concern now, no worries.

My new life is exciting and quite grand.
I love this place. I love this land.
Drinking and parties every day of the week
This is the excitement that I seek.

My money’s gone. I have no cash.
Continuing this way I don’t know I’ll last.
A miracle occurs. I now have a job.
Living with pigs, my life, I quietly sob.

I want nothing to do with pigs anymore.
It’s a terrible job. I can’t do it no more.
I remember the life I had my father’s mansion.
He had everything. I have nothing.

My last hope, I’m heading back to face my past
Will my father’s anger come out and lash?
It he rejects me, I’ll ask just one favour
To live as his servant. He would be my saviour.

Scared, frightened as I walk closer to a place I once knew
My perception of it, has become quite new.
My father sees me coming from far, far away
I’m so worried I forget what to say.

I throw myself at him. I go to my knees.
Make me a servant father. Do it please!
Father embraced me and ignores my request.
He confuses me by bringing out the best.

I wonder why he’s doing this. It’s creeping me out
I don’t deserve all of this bount
My father loves me. Of this I know now.
He takes me back and it’s amazing how.

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