Saturday, September 22, 2012


So last night, at the Disciple Group meeting we studied about the character of Jonah...
And I wrote this poem this Saturday afternoon...because I'm awesome like that :)

A calling that I cannot deny.
It deeply scares me, this I cry.

An impossible task, one set forth from on high
Anything but that, Lord. I’d rather die.

I take off in the opposite path.
As I escape and flea from God’s wrath.

He sends a storm and I am dismayed.
I know it’s for me, yet others are afraid.

Desperately my companions offer my life
To the sea, Lord, to put an end to the strife

A sacrifice offer. Now the sea’s calm.
They make a vow to the God of the psalm.

3 days and nights, I’m swallowed by a whale
In my distress I call out to the God that never fails.

I go to Nineveh. I preach your drivel.
The city will perish. It isn’t quite civil.

The people believed in God the Saviour
The repented to him for their misbehaviour

God saw their heart. He graciously relented
From the destructive force of the things he had threatened

I was angry with God. I hate his choice
Why wouldn’t he destroy Nineveh at the sound of his voice?

They were enemy and they enslaved my race.
Die Nineveh! Become no longer a place.

The Lord spoke to me and told me his concerns.
One hundred twenty thousand people is for whom the Lord yearns.

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