Friday, September 14, 2012


Greater than an overtime winning goal
Greater than winning as Oscar
Greater than straight A’s on your report card
Greater than having front row seats at a rock concert
Greater than a million dollars
Greater than being married with children
Greater than homemade apple pie with ice cream
Greater than your best friend
Greater than snowboarding down a long, tall pine
Greater than singing in the rain
Greater than writing a best-selling novel
Greater than the sea
Greater than an unlimited supply of doughnuts
Greater than free healthcare
Greater than free education
Greater than being treated out for lunch
Greater than compliments from people you care about
Greater than a newborn baby
Greater than a private show by U2
Greater than a new laptop
Greater than morning coffee

Is the certain knowledge, truth and reward of being in an alive, eternal relationship with our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

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