Saturday, July 28, 2012

On Bended Knee

Oh God of earth and sky and sea
Oh Lord of all eternity
I come to you now. Please hear my plea.
I come to you on bended knee.

I walk beside the spawn of hell
I need your protection. This I yell
Drive me from depths of despair
And bind me with your love and care

I see the Gate, so straight and true
I will not get there without you
I dare not swerve, to right or left
Keep my eyes focused on the cleft

I walk with you day after day
Guide me steps. Don’t lead me astray
Wrap me in your arms of white
Hold my feet from taking flight

My eyes betray me at their chance
I turn away every second glance
Blinded by darkness beyond the veil
I’m lost to you. I guess I’ve failed.

A touch from you and I see your face
The spirit provides a touch of grace
Grace sufficient to wash my stains
And heals hearts from unknown pain

I come to you, Jesus, now at this hour
I thank you, God, for being my strong tower
Mercy in my life beyond all compare
I thank you, God. This be my prayer

Your abundant love takes away my sadness
Restores my soul, my heart, to gladness
I come to you now, right at your throne
I thank you, God, for calling me your own.

The God who forgives me and sets me free
The one who loves me. The one I see
I thank you for your gift of life
Your healing words, end all the strife

So as I turn to end this talk
I open the door. I hear your knock
Each single day, be at my side.
All I ask, Lord: God abide


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