Saturday, May 26, 2012

A Holy God

A Holy God

The Holy God Divine
Whose claims are confirmed by the Sign

He calls us to be holy
And to follow his word true
We’re made in his image
Even me and you

Still I struggle with the order
Each day I follow short
I want to be more like Jesus
But I fail, I do report

He’s the model of perfection
What I’m supposed to be striving for
But I perceive my weakness
And grant myself a new low score

I repent of all my actions
I feel guilty all the time
The only way that God can love me
If it is confirmed that love is blind

Stuck in a cycle
That I can’t seem to break
I try to keep on following Jesus
For his name’s sake

Months pass and even years
It all seems the same
I fall short continuously
It’s like part of a bad game

But I believe in a God of mercy
Whose love will never fail
I know if I just ask him
He’ll aid me on my trail

I cry out to God in desperate tones
To the One who give me life
Free from my guilt
And cut if off with a knife

I pour my heart to God
And he will overcome
My prayers will be answered
Soon the Victory’s won.

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