Monday, April 30, 2012


It feels like it’s the world without end.
 Each event triggers a memory of what was.
Have things changed?

I’m so petrified with confusion.
Shaken beyond my inner most being
So afraid of what I almost just lost.

Powerless to change the path of the past
Unable to alter the current course of challenges

In my distress I call out to the one who never fails
Whose word is true and takes away all that ails
He provides all my needs, and destroys the shadows that surround me.

All the love that is freely given
Granting me strength in the life I’ve been living

He’s right beside me. I have nothing to fear.
He draws close to you when you are near.
I need you again, in the midst of my agony
Without you, I can never be free.

Your rod, your staff they comfort me and I am near.

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